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Published July 24, 2019

Whether you are starting on a healing journey, or looking to maintain your current health, Pilates will help. Through its focus on 8 key principles, Pilates has helped thousands of Canberrans like yourself. One of these Key Pilates Principles is Flow.  

When you type ‘Flow’ into Google, you get 1.3 billion results. It seems that flow is trending… and no wonder! 24/7 living, multi-tasking and increasingly complex work gives little time for the sense of flow. Even if we don’t experience much daily flow, we understand the value of it.

Think of a bush creek rolling gently over a bed of pebbles. Imagine a pod of whales heading to breed in warmer, safe seas. Rain is welcomed after the hot, dry cloudless days of summer. Our delight in flow in nature is echoed in our bodies and minds. We enjoy moving from sitting to standing or being able to run from walking. Our minds also appreciate flow and not getting stuck in the past or difficult thoughts.

Pilates helps both recovering and well bodies experience flow. The most fundamental way is through the breath. Your Pilates Can instructor will guide you to direct your breath through the body to create softness and space to facilitate the best alignment of your skeleton. With the major bony joints at the hip and shoulder sitting well, movement flow can begin.

Finding the flow in your Pilates session, whether in the equipment studio or mat class, begins with layering movements. As you are guided through a sequence, your instructor will support you to find your capacity in the moment. As strength, stamina and confidence grow, you will flow into more challenge in your Pilates. The whole body and mind will be safely challenged. 

If injury or illness arise, your past experience of layered Pilates flow will support your confidence in your recovery. Your instructor will help you to safely modify movement, working with your health team as needed.

As part of the Pilates Can community, you share with your fellow clients and instructors the joy of body and mind flow.

About the author 

Claire Gunther is a PAA Principal Level Pilates Instructor with over 20 years and 20k+ hours of professional Pilates delivery experience.

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