Who is the Ideal Pilates Instructor?




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Published February 8, 2023

Who is the Ideal Pilates Instructor? What sort of people are they prior to dedicating much of their lives to assisting their Pilates clients? How have they prepared themselves for the task, and why are they so good at what they do?

Firstly, let’s define what sort of Pilates instructor we are talking about. We will focus on Pilates studio rehabilitation instructors, as they are a very highly valued type of Pilates instructor in professional Pilates studios.

Pilates studio rehab instructors help clients who have injuries and conditions, to minimise their pain and increase their functional mobility, strength, and flexibility. With consistent application, the Pilates Rehab process enables clients to do things that they may not have been able to do for years.

A highly skilled Pilates instructor can literally help change the client’s life for the better. These results can also apply to those clients, with comparatively healthy bodies, who would like a more personalised approach to maintain and improve their mobility and strength.

A new, comprehensively trained, instructor has learnt via years of tutelage from other experienced senior studio rehab instructors. Senior instructors, like Claire and Kirrilly at Pilates Can, usually have well over 10,000 hours of professional Pilates delivery experience. This rich source of knowledge includes thousands of hours of courses and professional development, combined with thousands more hours working with real clients, who have life limiting mobility problems that need solving.

Although the Pilates method is based on the initial teachings of Joseph Pilates, it has been further informed over the last 50 years by exercise & movement science. This science has enabled Pilates to develop valuable solutions for clients. Unique systems and culture empower the client to create an “Excellent Pilates Exercise Habit”. This helps the client’s body to recover naturally. Pilates can be an effective alternative to painkillers, other drugs and/or invasive surgery. This is an attractive option for many clients who are aware of this pathway to wellness.

However, Pilates is also wonderful for maintaining healthy bodies. As people age this becomes more challenging. Experienced instructors have much to offer “Healthy Body” clients, via a more personalised approach, to retaining their mobility as they age.

So back to our original question, who is the ideal candidate to become a studio rehabilitation Pilates Instructor? The answer simply and usually is “a Pilates client who has experienced the benefits of studio rehab Pilates in their lives”. Here are the reasons for this precise answer. This client has:

  • Empathy for clients who are experiencing physical pain and immobility.
  • Experienced in their own bodies what the various large Pilates Equipment can do through the special combination of “orientation to gravity”, and “assistance and resistance” produced by the springs and pulley systems.
  • During their time as a client, become very familiar with all the unique Pilates equipment.
  • Learnt the Pilates techniques, exercises, and the incredible number of variations available.
  • An understanding of regressions and progressions of exercises that can assist a client.
  • Seen the fantastic results achieved by many other clients as well as themselves.
  • Experienced positive change in their life through Pilates.

Look for Part 2 of this article, published very soon.

About the author 

David has held various positions in sports administration, health promotion and business development in the first half of his career. Later, he and his wife Claire began specialising in Pilates from their Canberra home-based studio, which developed into Pilates Can.


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