Carrying on from Bridging our next exercise is Bent Knee Fallout.
This is good for
Bent knee fallout is great for those new to Pilates working on developing pelvic stability. It is also good for teaching the leg to move without the torso moving with it (disassociation of the hip).
How to do Bent Knee Fallout
- Inhale to float one knee out to the side, keeping the pelvis still
- Exhale to draw the leg back in
- Keep bottom relaxed and pelvis stable throughout
Things to focus on
While performing bent knee fallout, ensure that your hips stay evenly weighted on the mat. You might like to put your hands under the back of your pelvis, so you can feel if your pelvis shifts from left to right as you move your leg. Keep the range of the leg opening small enough that the weight stays even.
- Be careful to only move the working leg. Sometimes the other leg moves too, trying to counterbalance (i.e. cheat!).
- Try and keep your bottom relaxed as you perform this exercise, and your spine as long.
If you would like some expert direction from highly experienced instructors, try our Semi-private Equipment sessions.
Our Manuka studio is within easy access of Forrest, Kingston, Barton, Griffith, Red Hill, Narrabundah, Garran, Hughes, Curtin, Phillip, Mawson, Farrer, Pearce, and Torrens.